Laura Watmough
St. Albert, Alberta, T8N 3B5 Canada 780 419-2055

Artworks by Laura Watmough have been shown in Canadian and American galleries since 1987. Her works have been selected for many juried regional and international exhibitions. Laura is a juried member of the Alberta Society of Artist, Oil Painters of America, the International Guild of Realism and the Federation of Canadian Artists.
Her current artistic focus is realistic oils ,watercolor and gouache. Her works have been described as a “wondrous blend of color and emotion…totally engaging” Subject matter ranges from wine art to painting cafes and bars from around the world. 
Laura has been teaching fine art to children, teens and adults in her new studio "Hidden Talent Fine Art School” located in St. Albert, Alberta. As well, Laura Watmough is the owner/operator of “Spot Light Gallery” which showcases local, regional and national artists.

Doris Charest Award of Excellence, 2005
Albert Plein Air Award, 2004, 2005
In My Backyard, Society of Alberta Artist, Edmonton City Hall, Sept. 2004
Gross Innovations, International Exchange between The Welsh Group and the Society Of International Artist, Chicago .Il. and Wales ( 2003-2005)
Annual Juried Exhibition, International Society of Experimental Artist, Chicago ,Il,2003 Jazz’art, Art Performance, The Works Visual Arts Festival, Edmonton,2003
WIN House (Women In Need) Juried greeting card selection,
2003 Juried SWACA Show, Picture This Gallery, , Sherwood Park, Alberta,2003
Through Albertan Eyes, Cultural Centre Gallery, Medicine Hat, Alberta,2003
Merit Award, International Society Of Experimental Artists, Annual Exhibition, Muncie, Indiana, 2002.
A Retrospective, Twenty Five of Alberta’s Best Known Artist. Oppertshauser Public Gallery, Stony Plain,1999 Juried Exhibitions of Society of Western Canadian Artists,1998,1999 : Manulife Place,
Look Gallery, Edmonton Public Library Edmonton, Alberta.
St. Alberta Summer Games Legacy Grant,
1993 Celebration Cards, Sturgeon General Hospital,
1993 Piece Selection, Profiles Gallery Art Raffel,1994

2004 In My Backyard, Alberta Society of Artist, Edmonton, Alberta
Gross Innovations, Cardiff, Wales. U.K. (August) Central Gallery,
Two Woman Show, Calgary Alberta (August)
October Group Show, Societe Francophone Du Centre D’arts Visuels De L’Alberta. 2003 2003 International Society OF Experimental Artist Annual Exhibition, Chicago Ill.
Gross Innovation Exchange with the Welsh Group, Chicago, Ill.
Jazz Art, Guest Artist, The Works, June, Edmonton,
Alberta SWCA Spring Show, Art Beat Gallery, St. Albert,
Alberta Big Breakfast Morning Show, A Channel Television, Edmonton, Alberta Sweetwater Café, High Street, Edmonton, Alberta
Through Albertan Eyes, Cultural Centre, Medicine Hat, Alberta December Group Show, Societe Francophone Du Centre D’Arts Visuels De L’Alberta 2002
2002 International Society Of Experimental Artists Annual Exhibition, Minnetrista Cultural Center, Muncie Indiana, U.S.A.
Group Show, Societe Francophone Du Centre D’arts Visuels De L’Alberta.
Fifth Anniversary Art Exhibition, Art Beat Gallery, St. Albert 2001
Two Woman Show, The Gallery at Artra Abstracts, Art Beat Gallery, St. Albert
Telling Tales, Every Picture Tells A Story, Walterdale Theatre, Edmonton Group Exhibition, Societe Francophone Du Centre D’arts Visuals de L’Alberta 2000
Abstractions In Nature, Art Beat Gallery, St. Alberta
Summer Demonstrations, Art Beat Gallery, St. Alberta
Public Works., City of St. Albert “Tourism Alberta”, Government of Alberta
Ron Hodgson, Edson Alberta Re-Max,
Old Glenora , Edmonton, Public Works Building,
Art Purchase, City of St. Albert, Alberta

Alberta Society of Artists, 2004 Society of Western Canadians Artist, 1998 - present Societe Francophone Du Centre Visueles De L’Alberta, 2001-present
International Society of Experimental Artist, 2001,2002, 2003,2004
Oil Painters of America, 2004, 2005
International Guild of Realism, 2005
Federation of Canadian Artists, 2005